『2020 Call for Speaker Application Form』 If you have interest to share your research and good idea, welcome to apply this form! 【Call for Speaker Topic】 誘捕系統/誘捕網路技術 (Honeypot/Honeynet Technology) 進階資安威脅 (Advance Threat) 駭客技術 (Hacking Technology) 雲端服務安全 (Cloud Services Security) 大數據應用 (Big Data) 金融科技安全 (FinTech Security) 智慧家庭/智慧城市安全 (Smart Home/Smart City Innovation Security) 智慧醫療(Smart Medical) 行動應用安全 (Mobile Application Security) 網路應用程式安全 (Web Application Security) 物聯網安全 (IoT Security) 資訊分享與分析 (ISAC, Information Sharing and Analysis Center) 其它與資安相關議題 (Other) 連結: https://reurl.cc/9EGyXj 評論已關閉。